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Farm Women's Club may have existed in your area for many years. Sadly, some have been discontinued and we have lost contact with others. Over the years lasting friendships have been made some of which have extended beyond our organised activities.
If you would like to know more about activities in your local area please contact us. We would love to help. (For existing Group members - if your Club doesn't appear below please let us know)
One of the first Clubs to be formed in the early 1960s and now led by Margaret Scott, CWC Trustee. The Club is always keen to encourage new members as they will be their future.
Wiltshire and Gloucestershire
Sue Rawlings, CWC Trustee, has run the club for the more than 30 yrs. It covers the top half of Wiltshire and the bottom half of Gloucestershire; always keen to welcome new members; meeting monthly in different venues, on different days to accommodate as many people as possible in this friendly group.
A lively group of ladies form the organising committee who mastermind an interesting programme of local meetings.They were instrumental in arranging a February Weekend on Hayling Island and a subsequent visit to the New Forest a few years later. They have also taken their turn organising the Five Counties Lunch.
As a member of the CWC Management Team, Sue Rodaway plays her part in organising local meetings alongside Jill Lawton. In the absence of a Somerset Club their membership covers a wide area and they would be delighted to welcome new members. Meetings are held in a variety of locations.
West Sussex
Having inherited the Sussex Club from her Mum (!), Jenny Flake is an energetic leader. There's always something new going on in The South Downs area and if short of ideas then Fish and Chips at Coombes Farm is always an option.
A lively and enthusiastic group of ladies who have their own walking group as well as holding a full programme of other regular meetings. They have organised several National Walking Weekends and everyone has joined in the fun.
East Sussex
Formed in 2007 this is one of the newest Clubs. Members love socialising and have supported the Five Counties Lunch and National Weekends. They would be delighted to welcome new members.
Yorkshire Coast
Formed in 2006, this coastal group has many members who are keen walkers not only taking part in Walking Weekends but also having organised four since they joined the clan; Robin Hood's Bay, The Lake District, Alnwick and Bridlington.
In Berkshire the FWC meets monthly and offers an opportunity to meet people who share a common interest in farming and the countryside. Some of our members also meet for lunch and weekends away with other clubs from all over the country.
This Group started early in the 1960s. Ladies meet on various days of the week to take into account other commitments and they keep up to date with a very comprehensive newsletter three times a year. Several members are regular supporters of the National Weekends and the Group hosted the Walking Weekend in October 2013
The Club made up of older ladies still meets regularly. They celebrated FWC 70th Birthday with a party and invited younger farming ladies to join them.
Based in the Louth area this is one of the oldest Clubs, Led by Pat Needham who took over from her Mum in Law Betty, ladies enjoy a wide programme of events. For many many years members have supported the national weekends.
The Club started in 1977 when Heather Coupe was the Farmer's Weekly National Organiser. It is currently led by Ann Williamson and a small committee. Since the Covid lockdowns ladies meet during the day for coffee mornings and lunches.
The Staffordshire Club has continued without interruption unaware that there was a national network of clubs still in existence. A chance meeting in 2023 brought them to our notice and we are now in contact. The club boasts about 40 members and it has an interesting programme of meetings.
Norfolk South
Regular monthly meetings, visits and social activities feature in the annual programme.
The Club hasn't resumed meeting face to face since Covid but they still keep in touch with each other.
Keeping in touch with individual members.
Essex and Suffolk
Meeting regularly during the winter months at Assington Village Hall and organising a programme of visits during the summer.
Links have been maintained with Hertfordshire.
Skipton Ladies
A small group of older ladies (ex FWC) who still meet for lunch from time to time
Counties without Clubs ... as far as we know !
One of the earliest Clubs to be formed and has a lively programme of meetings throughout the year.
In recent years February weekends have been held in York with the help of Jean and Tom Sewell.
Ludlow and Shropshire
This Club has been in existence for between 40 and 50 years.
Other Clubs include
Isle of Wight
Sth Northumberland