managed by Country Women Countrywide

Farm Women's Club

Farm Women's Club - in the beginning
In Farmers’ Weekly dated 4th January 1948 the concept of the Club for Farm Women was launched. Sitting alongside, and not conflicting with, other women’s organisations, the club was an experiment, endorsed by women from the farming community with the intention of keeping people who were living fairly isolated lives in contact with each other. ​ Since then hundreds of women have been meeting regularly across the country to share new experiences, visit new places, learn new things usually over a cup of coffee and, most importantly, chat. ​
Of course, some things have changed - Covid 19 certainly interfered with the way some clubs operated. Some are back to holding their meetings as before, others now meet
for lunch or coffee in order to keep those social ties alive.
But some things certainly haven't changed :
the enthusiasm for what we do
the fun we have doing it
welcoming new members and
the pleasure it gives when old friends meet up.
To find out more about what we do, when and how, you can JOIN NOW
Connecting Women In Rural Communities Across The UK